Silentweb News Update (Volume 4, Issue 3)

Final Upgrade Status Report

I am pleased to report that the upgrades to both websrv01 and websrv02 were completed successfully, and for the most part without incident. There were a few minor hiccups which were caught by users, reported to us and resolved shortly there after. As of this moment there are no known issues with any services, so if you are having a problem please report it me so it can be resolved.

This has without a doubt been the most solid Plesk upgrade in history, and Parallels (the company that makes Plesk) definitely deserves some kudo’s for finally getting it right.

Our servers are now running Plesk 9.0.1, and there are plenty of new features so feel free to log in and poke around. As I mentioned previously the interface is rather different and it takes a bit of getting used to, but I think you will find that it is actually much nicer to use.

New Webmail Interface Option

One of the many new features of Plesk 9, is a new option that allows you to choose a different web-mail client. The default webmail client that you are all used to is an open source application called Horde. Horde is feature rich with tools like calendar, address book, etc., but if you are looking for something a bit lighter try AtMail!

You can choose which web-mail client you want to use on a per-domain basis, and can switch back and forth any time without losing your messages.

To enable AtMail:

  1. Log into Plesk.
  2. On the domains’ “Home” page click the “Mail Accounts” icon.
  3. Now click the “Mail Settings” icon.
  4. Switch the “WebMail” select box to “AtMail 1.02” (the default is Horde 4.1.6).
  5. Click “OK”.

That’s it! You can now visit your web-mail page (i.e. and log into AtMail using your e-mail account username and password. Don’t worry, if you decide you want to switch back, simply reverse the procedure.


I gather from some conversations that some of you are probably reading this message and thinking to yourself “what is Plesk anyways?”. Plesk Server Administrator is a piece of software that we use on our servers to allow *you* to easily manage portions of your domain and hosting account on our servers (i.e. e-mail accounts, spam filtering, web statistics, password protected directories, FTP passwords, etc).

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